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Web Design Estimate

Please use the form below to submit your web design estimate request. We would appreciate it if you would take the time to answer the questions as completely as possible. If you're not sure of an answer, just take your best guess.  This will help us to respond in a timely and productive manner.

Request type: New Web Site Redesign Search Optimization

If this is a new site, what domain name do you prefer:


If this is a redesign or site optimization please enter your URL:

What is the purpose of your web site? Select all that apply:
General Business Company Brochure Educational
Product Sales Online Gallery Online Catalog
Auctions Non-Profit General Information
Governmental Political Religous Portal
Audio Video Streaming Outdoors (Hunting, Fishing, Etc.)
Graphics (Art, Comics, Images, Photos) Personal
Other (please specify):
What is your total estimated budget for this project:
What is the estimated number of pages needed:      

Will you provide textual content for your pages:    
Yes No
Will you provide images / photos for your pages:   
Yes No
Do you need a custom header or logo designed:     
Yes No
What services are you looking for? Select all that apply:
Web Design Web Hosting Search Engine Optimization
Shopping Cart Store Locator Merchant Account
Content Management Copywriting Graphics Design
Photo Production Animated Gifs Flash Animation / Movies
Site Maintenance Design Maintenance Web Log
Other (please specify)
Describe in as much detail as possible the nature of your business:
What are the objectives for your web site? Will your site be promotional, or do you intend to sell products and services online? Is the site an information resource? Do you need to gather customer contact info? How will the web site extend, improve or aid your current business?
Describe your target audience, who they are and where they are located. Are they current clients or new clients?  What would they be looking for on your web site?
What image do you want to project? Do you prefer a conservative, corporate image, masculine or feminine, fun and playful, bright and colorful, soft and restful? What colors do you prefer?
Additional comments, questions or clarification:
How did you find WEBKRANTI?
(i.e. Search Engine, Newspaper, TV Ad)

If by a search engine, what keywords or search phrase did you use?

 Name: (required)
 Address: (required)
 City / State (required)
 E-Mail: (required)
 Telephone: (required)




(Web Kranti : Web Services Price List)


Please fill up this form to give order according to your requirement.

All Transaction / Payment in Indian Currency (INR / Rs.) Only.


(Web Kranti : Web Services Price List)